Copyright    ©  2013 - 2025    •   All Rights Reserved
Website Developed & Maintained by Website to the Rescue
Great Dane Rescue of AZ Alliance   •   623-869-0409   •

In Maricopa County alone, hundreds of dogs are put down daily because of the animal over population.
This can change if people will spay & neuter their pets. Please be part of the solution, not part of the
problem. Thank you!

The following site contains good information on the local spay/neuter clinics and the financial assistance
available through the Maricopa County in certain area codes:

For our giant breed dog owners, it is generally advised that your pup not be altered til their major growth
has passed which can be anywhere between 15-24 months. Once they are of age, a F giant should
NEVER be spayed while in her heat and for 3 weeks afterwards. Many vets will say, "we do it all the time
& she will be fine". They are certainly entitled to their opinion as are we! But given we only deal with
giants and never take unnecessary chances with the lives that are entrusted to us... You draw our own

Please remember that you are the voice & guardian of your furkid. Please do not allow any medical
person to bully you, you do what is right for YOUR dog!

Valley Fever (VF) has become a serious health concern for pets over the past 15 years due to the population
growth & development in AZ.  VF is NOT contagious.  It is a fungal spore in our soil.  Our vets have seen an
alarming increase of cases in their practices.

Your dog could be at risk if you show your dog or travel through an area where VF is prevalent, including
California, New Mexico, Texas, Southern tip of Nevada, and Arizona.  The risk arises when you return home
and your local vet is not experienced enough with VF for proper diagnosis.  This can lead to your dog's
illness being misdiagnosed, leading to your Dane getting sicker or even dying before proper treatment is

In most cases, VF is treatable, but it needs a proper diagnosis so the right medicine can be dispensed. 
Please take the time to thoroughly research information about VF.  This way if your dog is affected, you will
know what to do and what questions to ask your vet. 

The site below is a good starting point to learning more about VF:

Great Dane Rescue is done by volunteers who are dedicated to helping Great Danes in Arizona find a
FOREVER home. We do not have a shelter for you to visit as everyone works out of their homes. The
available danes are located through the Phoenix and Tucson areas.  We have several reputable rescues that
are currently working with the Alliance. If you see a Dane or "non-Dane" on our Available Dogs page and you
would like to meet him or her, please contact us to make arrangements.

Phone: 623-869-0409 Msg Line

Keeping Pets Safe During Monsoon Storms

High humidity, blowing winds and crashing thunder are usually signs
that the monsoon season has arrived. While the storms and rain
may be welcome  weather for some, this can be a source of distress
for pets.

- Keep pets indoors. Loud thunder and blowing winds can scare
even the  calmest of pets. It is not unusual for dogs to jump over or
dig under fences  in an attempt to escape during violent storms.
They might also bolt out the  front door.

- Create a safe place. A spare bedroom or extra bathroom is a
great place  to keep pets until the storm passes. Be sure to include
bedding, food, water, a few favorite toys and litter box for cats. If
possible, find a room without windows. You can also turn on a radio
or tv to help drown out the sound of the storm.

- Distract your dog. If your dog is beginning to get anxious, try
engaging them in any activity that will capture their attention. Practice
basic commands or play fetch and be sure to offer lots of praise. If
they begin to lose interest, stop the process and move them to their
safe place.

- Don’t punish your pet for being afraid and don’t try to force
them to  experience the sound. Behave normally, don’t reassure,
soothe or give treats to your dog when they are afraid (this may
reinforce the behavior).

Bloat is a Dane’s worst enemy.  Please be sure to feed your Dane 2-3 times a day with smaller meals
instead of one large meal per day.  Give them plenty of water.  And please make sure that they rest a
full hour before and after their meal.  No active play sessions, romps in the yard, walks, or things that
might cause them undue stress.  They can certainly go outside to use the restroom, but other than
that, it’s best for them to lie down and relax.

Your Dane may be suffering from bloat if his/her stomach looks swollen, the dog keeps trying to belch
or vomit unsuccessfully, there’s excessive salivation, shortness of breath, cold body temperature, pale
gums, rapid heartbeat, or if the Dane collapses.

If your Dane displays any of the following symptoms, or especially several of these, take your dog to
the vet IMMEDIATELY - their life is in danger.  Early detection and medical attention is their only
chance to survive.
(This Dane demonstrates the proper
before/after meal posture)
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You can click on the Donate button and choose the Frequency of your donation(s):
•  One time to make a single donation to help feed, vet and maintain the many danes in rescue. We greatly appreciate your

•  By supporting us with a Monthly Donation, you are making a big difference in the well-being of the Great Danes we save.  As you can
imagine, their daily care is quite costly.  A monthly supporter commits to just one year at a time, but if you are no longer able to contribute,
you will have the option of cancelling at any time.

No donation is too small!

We are the official GREAT DANE RESCUE group for the state of AZ and have been caring for
our beloved danes throughout AZ and the valley, for over 25 years. We are dedicated to
providing the proper care & placement of danes in need, whether they are a pound puppy or
an owner turn-in.

We not only offer refuge to those danes needing a new family, we also work with families who
just need some advice or training tips for their dane!  We do understand how painful giving up
your best friend can be. You can bring your dane to us or we can make arrangements to do a
pick up. We have a message line for your convenience: 623 869-0409.

Rescue is done by volunteers/fosters who are dedicated to helping the danes in Arizona find a
FOREVER home. We do not have a shelter for you to visit as everyone works out of their
homes. We have several reputable rescues that are currently working with the Alliance. Only
those rescues that abide by and follow the Alliance criteria are allowed to post the danes they
have available, on our site.

Our Volunteers and Foster parents are most valuable. We could not do this without you. If you
are not sure a dane is for you, fostering is a great way to find out. Our Fosters help a dane by
making them part of their family and caring for them until they are adopted. Fosters help us
save lives!

Most Common Toxicologic Causes of Seizures in Dogs Provided by the ASPCA Animal
Poison Control Center 24-hour veterinary diagnostic and treatment hotline: 888.426.4435

Category 1: Medications Fluorouracil (5-FU) Cream Ivermectin Fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Isoniazid Lamotrigine Ibuprofen Metronidazole Phenylbutazone Amphetamines Vilazodone
Diphenhydramine Phenylpropanolamine Procaine Penicillin G 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
Any medications with the potential to cause hypoglycemia (such as sulfonylureas)

Category 2: Plants Mushrooms Sago Palm Brunfelsia (Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow)

Category 3: Food Xylitol Caffeine Ethanol Dark Chocolate Category 4: Rodenticides
Insecticides Metaldehyde Bifenthrin Strychnine Zinc Phosphide 4-Aminopyridine

Category 5: Other Drugs Cocaine Amphetamines Cannabis Synthetic Cannabinoids 4-

Category 6: Miscellaneous Ethylene Glycol Mycotoxins Bee sting envenomation Homemade
play dough or salt dough 
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center:
This technique has been around for a long time and different trainers call it something different! So... what you do is hold the pup like a baby so they are belly up & legs in the air. You do not let the pup loose until it submits and is no longer struggling. We usually give them a nice belly rub as a reward! If your dog is larger, you roll them onto their back on a soft surface, not a tile floor, and keep them belly up til they are calm and have submitted. Lots of praise is important also when they are learning.
DO NOT allow the pup to chew on your body parts! We have a saying in the dane world... "what is cute at 25 lbs won't be cute at 125 lbs."  And don't give them an old shoe to chew on. They don't know the difference between an old shoe & your new Gucci's!

DO NOT play tug of war with a puppy ever. Once they are command trained then you can play tug with your dog! It is considered the most aggressive form of play and in the event you do not win, you lose your position as alpha.

One thing many folks do with their dane pup is teach them to give paw. Rescues spend more time teaching them NOT to give paw! It is dangerous with small children as the dane will not always be little and can scrape a child's face. If you have elders in your family, the dane paw can scrape a person's leg and cause bleeding. Even if you command train that activity, they still swing that big ole paw at people!

When they are baby pups, teach them to sit for their food, sit for a treat etc... it is called NILIF ("Nothing In Life Is Free!). They have to do what you want before they get what they want from you! Do not allow them to sleep on your bed as it can become a dominance issue especially with young children & other pets in the house. Laying on the bed until you are ready to sleep should always be by "invitation only," same with laying on the couch with you!
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Thank you for visiting our website and wanting to help make a difference in a
danes life by donating.

We are a 100% Volunteer Based Organization and are funded by generous
donors like you.

Help support the Alliance's danes by making a donation today!