Great Dane Rescue of Arizona Alliance (GDRAZA) accepts Great Danes from people in all situations. You may be moving, there may have
been a divorce or a death in a family, you may have found a stray, or you are not able to care for the dog anymore. We also accept dogs
that have health issues and behaviors we feel can be corrected if we have an appropriate foster home available. GDRAZA is not a hospice
Our Re-homing process is as follows:
Step 1: Complete and submit our online Re-homing Questionnaire below. Because GDRAZA puts much effort into arranging a foster
home as soon as we receive the questionnaire, we ask that you complete the form only if you definitely want GDRAZA to take your Great
Dane and you are not currently also pursuing other options such as advertisements, finding another home with friends or relatives, other
rescues groups, etc. Once we receive your completed questionnaire, we will contact you within 48 hours to let you know if GDRAZA will
be able to help you, or if we need further information from you regarding the dog. Please be very thorough and honest in your responses
to each question so we can determine the best foster home for the dog.
Step 2: If, and only if, we determine we are able to take your Great Dane into foster care, here is the checklist of things we require for a
dane to enter our rehoming program.